Educational platform of Margulan Seisembaev: https://clck.ru/UW6zg __________ This is exactly the main thesis of my speech. The point is that the scale of your business cannot be greater than the scale of your thinking. The scale of your business can be less than the scale of your thinking, but not greater. I think many will agree with this. The next thing you will probably come to is asking yourself: how can I increase the scale of my thinking so that the scale of my business grows? To answer this question, we must understand what the scale of thinking is and how it affects the growth of your business. The scale of thinking is the size of your thinking, or the categories in which you think. Some people think in hundreds, others in thousands, others in millions. Some think within the framework of one day, some in the framework of one week, some think in years and decades. Some see the picture as a whole and operate with broad strokes, and some see it in detail. But, as you have probably noticed more than once in your life, people who operate on a large scale do not always have great success. It would seem that a person thinks in large categories, and therefore, he should have both a large business and success. No, this is far from true. And herein lies the catch. It lies in the fact that the scale of business never exceeds, but may also fall short of, the scale of thinking. Let's try to understand this statement.