How does mathematics relate to our physical world? It is amazing how many times we have managed to find mathematical means for an acceptable description of the world - from falling bodies and planets to the structure of the atom and the global structure of the Universe. But today we are close to exhausting the reserve of simplicity: we are surrounded on all sides by complex physical systems that are difficult for us to handle mathematically, says the famous scientist Alexey Semikhatov. The physicist and mathematician spoke about the mathematical view of the structure of our reality, the oddities of the quantum world and more in an interview for the portal "Scientific Russia". Alexey Mikhailovich Semikhatov is a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, chief researcher of the theoretical department of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN), popularizer of science, lecturer and TV presenter. Full text of the interview at the link https://scientificrussia.ru/articles/... Alexey Mikhailovich #Semikhatov Interviewed by Yanina #Khuzhina Photographer Elena #Librik Cameraman Alexey #Kornoukhov #alexeysemikhatov #atoms #quantumphysics #quarks #standardmodel #theoryofeverything #theoryofrelativity #atomicnucleus #quantumfields #theoriesofsali #algebras