The young Daiwa tester duo Fujita and Hiyama challenged the tester duo Ohno and Yamauchi in a battle of the underdog!! The stage is the Kanto region's number one sea bass mecca, Hakone, Ibaraki Prefecture. The duo runs around and aims for sea bass! What strategy will they use to catch the sea bass that are crazy about the sardines? The serious battle that makes full use of the knowledge and skills of the four begins now!! Which duo will the goddess of victory smile upon? ■ Appearing testers 〇 Tomohiro Fujita Official Instagram: / tomo_seabass 〇 Toshitaka Hiyama Official Instagram: / hiyaman.cdfc 〇 Katsumi Yamauchi Official Instagram: / yamauchi_czal 〇 Yuki Ohno Official Instagram: / ooonooo_yuki ■ Daiwa HP https://www.daiwa.com/jp/