87-year-old Ogura Isamu lost his mother in an air raid when he was 13, one month before the end of the war. With no relatives to call his own, Ogura became a "war orphan" and was placed in the care of a relative, but days of hell awaited him. He then escaped from his relative's house and ended up in the area around Osaka Station, where he witnessed horrific scenes, such as "children up to the age of 10 starving to death." We interviewed Ogura to share his story of surviving the harsh times immediately after the end of the war. (*Age notation and other information are from the time of broadcast) ("News Mint!" broadcast on August 14, 2019) ▼MBS NEWS HP https://www.mbs.jp/news/ ▼The latest news and special features are delivered every day Please subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/MBSnewsCH?s... #war #warorphan #children #endofwar #airraid #starvation #hell #OguraIsamu #MBSNews #MainichiBroadcasting