A historical drama based on the story "Emshan" by Maurice Semashko about the fate of a Kipchak boy who was taken into slavery in ancient Egypt. Having tasted power, love, and longing, at the end of his eventful life, he returns to the Kazakh wormwood steppe, the historical homeland of his ancestors. Producer: Sh. Aimanov Kazakhfilm Film Studio Year: 1989 Duration: 140 min Director: Bolat Mansurov Scriptwriters: Maurice Semashko, Bolat Mansurov Cinematographers: Bek Bakhtybekov, Nikolay Vasilkov Artist: Rustam Odinaev Costume designer: Galym Madanov Cast: Nurmukhan Zhanturin, Daulet Beisenov, Bolot Beishenaliyev, Kenes Kozhabekov, Georgy Lezhava, Leonid Kuravlev, Tatyana Plotnikova, Boris Khmelnitsky, ArtyK Dzhallyev, Zhambyl Kudaibergenov, Giuli Chokhonelidze, Gela Lezhava, Kenenbai Kozhabekov, Dogdurbai Kydyraliev, Dimash Akimov, Roman Krikheli, Tengiz Krikheli, Lee Man, Givi Sarchemelidze, Hamlet Khanizade, Muhammad-Ali Makhmadov.