The Resuscitation program series tells about unique operations performed by Kuban doctors. Tengiz Mamudyan had a stroke — he was taken by ambulance to the regional clinical hospital No. 2. The patient was in extremely serious condition, could not breathe on his own, was almost completely paralyzed. Neurologists and surgeons fought for the man's life for several hours. How they managed not only to save Tengiz Mamudyan, but also get him back on his feet — watch the Resuscitation program. Every day the most interesting news, reports, programs! Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/9tvru?su... WEBSITE: http://kuban24.tv/ Facebook: / kuban24 VK: https://vk.com/kuban24_tv Twitter: / kuban24tv Instagram: / kuban24tv Telegram: https://t.me/kuban24