"Mother on the Wharf," starring Ichihara Etsuko, will be broadcast free of charge from June 24, 2024 (Mon.-Fri.) on BS Shochiku Tokyu (BS260 channel). The next broadcast date on Sky Perfect TV is https://helpcenter.skyperfectv.co.jp/... A housewife returning from her first trip to Hawaii gets caught up in a drug smuggling case/Starring: Ichihara Etsuko, Funakoshi Eiichiro, and others/1991 Program details: https://bangumi.skyperfectv.co.jp/S/?... Takako (Ichihara Etsuko), a housewife returning from a trip to Hawaii, decides to stay overnight at a hotel in Tokyo before returning to Aomori. When she goes to the restaurant, she is invited to dinner by her tour companion Otsuki (Funakoshi Eiichiro). Even though Otsuki is newly married, his wife is nowhere to be seen. Otsuki invites Takako to go sightseeing in Tokyo at night. Meanwhile, Otsuki calls Takako at the last moment, and at his signal, his wife Reiko (Hiki Rie) and her friend Yoshimura (Atou Kai) sneak into Takako's room. The three of them are part of a smuggling gang. Broadcast date and time: 03/25 (Wed) 19:45-21:30 Sky Perfect Channel Ginga