\Yoshimoto Manzai Theater has started #YoshimotoHomeTheater!/ Planned broadcast! We bring you the 9th episode of "Mangeki Home Channel" "Drawing Time"! Cast: Mayurika Nakatani/Kaerutei Nakano/Nekoyashiki Yamazaki/Kento Fukaya A drawing broadcast by Mangeki's proud new and old drawing comedians!! ️ What kind of works will be completed remotely⁉️ Watching this will definitely make you want to draw!! ️ Please take a look ^_^ If you think this video is interesting, please subscribe to the channel and give it a high rating!! *********************************************** [Yoshimoto Manzai Theatre] ★HP http://www.yoshimoto.co.jp/manzaigeki... ★Instagram / yoshimotoma. . ★Twitter / manzaigekijyo ★LINE LIVE https://live.line.me/channels/935 ★Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@mangeki?sourc... *********************************************** #YoshimotoHomeTheater#MangekiHomeChannel#DrawingTime#HomeTime#stayhome #YoshimotoManzaiTheater#Mangeki#MayurikaNakatani#KaeruteiNakano#NekoyashikiYamazaki#kentofukaya