\Yoshimoto Manzai Theatre has started 【#YoshimotoHomeTheater】! / Live streaming every day! We will bring you "Mangeki Home Talk"! Cast: Gion Kizaki / Yoshida Tachi Yuhei / Chicago Jitsugyo Nakagawa Hichayuki / Nippon no Shacho Enjoy the heartwarming home talk by the Ketsumangeki members! Live streaming will start on Friday, May 1st every day from 9pm on the Yoshimoto Manzai Theatre official YouTube channel! If you find this video interesting, please subscribe to the channel and give it a high rating! !! *********************************************** [Yoshimoto Manzai Theatre] ★Website http://www.yoshimoto.co.jp/manzaigeki... ★Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yoshimotoma... ★Twitter / manzaigekijyo ★LINE LIVE https://live.line.me/channels/935 ★Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@mangeki?sourc... *************************************************** #YoshimotoHomeTheater #MangekiHomeTalk #HomeTime #stayhome #YoshimotoManzaiTheater #Mangeki#GionKizaki #YoshidaTachiYuhei #ChicagoJitsugyoNakagawaHichayuki #Japan'sCEOAss