Mariakëra Almini is 25 years old, she was born in Bergamo and has lived in Italy all her life. Until the moment when she first visited Russia - since then she wanted to move here. And to Siberia, because, in her opinion, the real Russia should be sought here. Mari has been living in Kemerovo for a month, teaches foreign languages at a gymnasium and looks for beauty in everything that surrounds her: in the views from the window, in the sunsets over the Tom and even in the gray "Khrushchevkas". The Italian told "Gazeta Kemerova" about Siberian snows, the mysterious Russian language, the difference in mentalities and Kemerovo factories. http://gazeta.a42.ru/lenta/articles/y... http://a42.ru/ https://vk.com/a42_ru / a42.ru