November 5th, 1941. With the Tojo Cabinet formed and the Pacific War escalating just before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Tomino Yoshiyuki, the man who would later create Gundam, was born in Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture. In 2021, Tomino Yoshiyuki turned 80 years old. Having remained at the forefront of the anime industry for over 55 years since joining Mushi Productions, the company that created TV anime in 1964, what exactly has Tomino drawn so far? And what will he draw in the future? This video series was started with the intention of looking back at Tomino's works and deconstructing the ideological system of Tomino Yoshiyuki, who could almost be called a philosopher. The cast includes film critic Terasawa Hawk and editor/writer Akiyama Naoto.