Voice actors Kobayashi Yumiko, Narahashi Miki, Morikawa Toshiyuki, Koorogi Satomi, and Mashiba Mari appeared on stage on the 9th at the opening day greeting event for "Crayon Shin-chan the Movie: Our Dinosaur Diary." [Related Videos] ◆ Mizuki Nana says she got the role through an audition, surprising everyone! "It's always an audition" • Mizuki Nana says she got the role through an audition, surprising everyone! "It's always an audition... ◆ Tomatsu Haruka gets an ardent approach from Shin-chan!? She doesn't even look at Oswald, but makes a fierce remark: "We're here too!" • Tomatsu Haruka gets an ardent approach from Shin-chan!? She doesn't even look at Oswald, but makes a fierce remark... ◆ Kitamura Takumi's summer holiday memory is "handing out flyers in Shibuya"!? Crayon Shin-chan guest voice actor also reveals his favorite work • Kitamura Takumi's summer holiday memory is "handing out flyers in Shibuya"!? Crayon Shin-chan guests... #Yumiko Kobayashi #Miki Narahashi #Toshiyuki Morikawa #Satomi Koorogi #Mari Mashiba #Crayon Shin-chan #Nohara Family