"Arranged Marriage" is a romantic comedy drama that was broadcast on Fuji TV in 2000. It depicts the love lives of men and women in a humorous and moving way, with the theme of modern "arranged marriage". The story centers on the protagonist Yamada Misaki (Matsu Takako) and Honma Harutaro (Yusuke Santamaria), a young businessman working at an advertising agency. Misaki is a woman who is conscious of marriage but is not proactive in love, while Harutaro is a man who is busy with work and puts love on the back burner. The two are arranged to meet at the urging of their families and people around them, but at first they are reluctant and clash many times. However, through the arranged marriage, the two gradually come into contact with each other's inner selves and are gradually drawn to each other. The comical exchanges and the gap between modern love and traditional arranged marriage culture give the story a light feel, and the story is full of laughter and emotion. Relationships with family and friends also play an important role in the drama, and it touches on not only love but also differences in values regarding marriage and social pressures. "Arranged Marriage" is a warm and poignant love story that depicts the process in which the protagonists, who are shy when it comes to romance, gradually grow and open up to each other.