The podcast guest is psychiatrist and psychotherapist Ján Praško, who has worked at the Psychiatric Research Institute, later the Psychiatric Center Prague (PCP) since 1984. From 2008 to 2018, he was the head of the Clinic of Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University and the University Hospital Olomouc. He currently heads the Department of Psychotherapy at the Institute for Postgraduate Education in Health Care in Prague. He is also the chairman of the Czech Psychotherapeutic Society and works on the psychiatric and psychotherapeutic program of the Center for Mental Rehabilitation in Beroun. He conducts systematic training in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and supervision in five European countries. He is the author of more than six hundred professional articles and eighty monographs. This time, in the podcast, we focus on the emergence, manifestations and therapy of personality disorders, which, according to the tenth International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), represent extreme or significant deviations from the ways in which the average person in a given culture perceives, thinks, feels and forms relationships with others. Such patterns of behavior tend to be stable according to the aforementioned classification. They are often, although not always, associated with a certain degree of subjective distress. But also with problems in adaptive social activity and achieving desired goals. Despite the widespread recognition that the division of personality disorders is a mixture of theory, beliefs and historical development, clinicians continue to use categorical classification. Professor Ján Praško has been devoted to the issue of personality disorders for many years and views them with awareness of the complexity of diagnosis and the demands of therapy. And also with the experience that personality disorders are in most cases therapeutically influenced. For clients, this can ultimately mean more freedom and rationality, i.e. less suffering. Similarly, for their immediate environment. Contents: 1:42 Introduction to the issue of personality disorders 8:44 Causes of personality disorders 31:50 Diagnosis of personality disorders 37:01 Characteristics of individual personality disorders (paranoid, schizoid, dissocial, histrionic, avoidant, dependent and anankastic personality disorder) 1:15:34 Therapy of personality disorders Links: Czech Psychotherapeutic Society http://www.psychoterapeuti.cz Czech Society of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ČSKBT) http://www.cskbt.cz Selection of publications by Ján Prašek https://www.megaknihy.cz/1904__jan-pr... Borderline personality disorder (Talks about the soul) • "People with HPO experience a huge inner... Podcast partners: VIATRIS NAKLADATELSTVÍ PORTÁL (https://nakladatelstvi.portal.cz/nakl...) KSM PORT (http://www.umeleckaagentura.sk)