Quiz Driving License C CE D DE Daily and weekly driving and rest periods Quizzes on topics explained Driving License C, D, E. New ministerial quizzes updated to the current exam. By Roberto Sangalli, Maggioli Editore https://amzn.to/3ZaMQ8M In the videos of this playlist you will find all the quizzes by topic of the 17 chapters that make up the list of ministerial quizzes for the higher driving license exams. In each video the licenses for which the quizzes commented in the video are required are specified. If you have questions or doubts about the individual quizzes explained in the video, write a post under the video and we will answer you as soon as possible. YOU CAN PRACTICE ON THE QUIZZES BY SUBJECT OR ON THE EXAM CARDS OF YOUR LICENSE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://www.lapatentediguida.com/quiz... We thank you if you will like and share the video to spread the visibility of the channel. SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL AND ACTIVATE THE BELL TO BE UPDATED ON NEW VIDEOS If you want to support our channel you can subscribe with 99 cents a month for as long as you want. Thank you! All our teaching tools in: https://www.lapatentediguida.com