Do you have many questions about your voice? Come take a singing lesson with me. Contact me via WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/AC25FDAJXFWCD1 Follow me on Instagram for singing tips and video updates: /jessvocalcoach In less than 10 minutes your voice will be warmed up! Do these vocalizations before presentations, shows or speeches. To find out your tessitura, do the exercise and see if it fits your notes. If not, try a video of another tessitura. TESSITURAS: Men: bass, baritone or tenor. Women: contralto, mezzo or soprano. #vocalwarmup #vocalwarmup #tenors ATTENTION: It is very important to have the supervision of a voice professional so that you know if you are doing the right exercise for your voice. If you feel pain doing the following exercises, seek a singing teacher or speech therapist. Never force your voice and sing only as far as your voice can go. Do you have any questions? Do you want to work on specific points and don't know how to do it yourself? Do you need to improve your pitch? Are you feeling discomfort or even pain when singing? CONTACT ME BY EMAIL: [email protected] or WhatsApp: 41 992233585 Teacher Jessica. Vocal Technique and Online Vocal Coaching. EXERCISES: Intro 00:00 Exercise 1 - 00:09 Exercise 2 - 01:49 Exercise 3 - 03:12 Exercise 4 - 04:18 Exercise 5 - 05:43