Hello everyone! I am Kemal Bulut, I work for ADES transportation company and I do international transportation from Turkey to Russia and from Russia to Turkey. In the meantime, I share my journey here both to collect memories and to make good friends. If you have any questions about such travel adventures and trucking, if you want me to explain it with a video by stating it in the comments, I will definitely get back to you. And I will prepare a video, it is very nice to meet and chat with good friends on the road, I love you all with all my heart, best regards and greetings, my friends. Don't Forget to Like the Video and Subscribe! If you like this kind of content, don't forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel. This will motivate me and allow me to produce more similar content. Follow Me on My Social Media Accounts Don't forget to follow me on my social media accounts to be in closer contact with me and not miss the updates. Instagram: kemal_01offical YOU CAN REACH ME FROM THE LINK ???? https://www.instagram.com/kemal_01off... Facebook: Kemal Bulut YOU CAN REACH ME FROM THE LINK ???? https://www.facebook.com/kemal.bulut.... Be with me throughout my journey Enjoy watching! #TruckDriving #WinterAdventure #Journey Check Out My Other Videos; My Industry Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= Z9lciG7Bb2A&list= PLXXUSJ1fht0BPrhfdgd00aQEsBNrEX4pi& index=5 Technical Information Related to the Profession: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= UOmVTfHnSPo&list= PLXXUSJ1fht0Bqdftg1ARxCuzeG-qCLXkF& My Russia Trips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= 0PpszmRZ-Kw&list= PLXXUSJ1fht0DW4TsJ21JkzZc0WQzkJfPb& I use the music in my videos from @durantoklucabeatz page. You can support him by visiting his channel. Channel: @durantoklucabeatz @DuranTokluca #scania #truckvideos #truckvideos #scaniatrucks #scania #tirvlog #vlog #travelvideos #trucks #truckers #notadvertising