▼ Japan's largest handmade and handcrafted mail order site "minne" by GMO Pepabo https://bit.ly/3NtQbqW ▼ For those who want to sell handmade works online https://bit.ly/3uBMBm7 "Good morning! minne LAB" is an official live broadcast delivered by minne to artists who are working on crafts. From the contents of the broadcast on the minne LAB Instagram account, only the question corner is extracted and archived on YouTube. / minne_lab If you want to see the whole broadcast, please take a look at the Instagram live ♪ We broadcast mainly every Monday and Thursday. * * 15th questioner: kirari happy https://minne.com/@kirari05 This time, it was published in the magazine kdocomoe. The number of accesses has increased because you let us know. Thank you. At the event sales, the target amount for the day will be sold. We also announce it on Instagram, so we also send out information about minne. We also receive inquiries from direct mail from Instagram, which leads to sales. However, I have also included the URL of minne, but it is not leading to sales. I am worried. I would appreciate your advice. * * "Good morning! minne LAB" is always looking for artists' concerns. Questions can be submitted anonymously. ▼Click here for the question form https://bit.ly/3bDCtOy ▼Details of this project: We will answer artists' concerns on the official Instagram live of "minne LAB" https://note.minne.com/n/nc0402a39dcf5 On Twitter, with the hashtags "#GoodmorningLab" and "#Learnwithminne", various artists have posted their impressions of the video and records of trial and error after watching the video, so please take a look. * * "I can't take good photos" "I'm worried about pricing" ... To solve the problems of handmade artists, minne has prepared a reading content called "minne Study Notebook". ▼minne Study Notebook https://note.minne.com/m/mc1379d2d49ba ▼Minne's author activity advisor Wada Mao's book "Minne Teaches You the Basics of Selling" has been very well received since its release in April 2019, and is currently in its third reprint! It can be purchased at bookstores nationwide and on Amazon. https://amzn.to/2NxTNd9 ●minne LAB twitter: /minne_lab ●minne LAB Instagram: /minne_lab ●Author activity advisor Wada's twitter: /ma0_k