QUEEN BEE DOESN'T CREATE BROOKIES, WILL MY HIVE FADE OUT? The question on everyone's mind these days. How is beekeeping done? Beekeepers who want to know the answer are looking for an answer to this question. Why don't queen bees release brood, all the answers to your questions are in the video. Enjoy watching. Don't forget to subscribe and open the bell button. I wish you healthy and fruitful days. / @omerpakir Social Media Instagram: https://instagram.com/toros_aricilik_... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Twitter: / sarrum Web Site https://torosaricilik.com/ Playlists Bee Division: https://bit.ly/3yoKS6n Honey and Pollen Plants: https://bit.ly/3T8oGFI Fighting Bee Birds: https://bit.ly/3eiQQin Fighting Varroa: https://bit.ly/3T6Xy9O Videos I Recommend • Enter Winter Strong - Exit Winter Strong... • Video • Natural method in Varroa control for men... Hello; My adventure that started with bees alongside my grandfather in 1989 continues to increase. I share the information I have gained during this process with you on my channel without expecting anything in return. In addition to beekeeping, my content will also include special videos for nature and animal lovers. The information and techniques I share about beekeeping are scientifically based and accepted methods worldwide. You can support me by subscribing to my channel and ensure that this information reaches more people. There is a lot of work to be done in this country. We need to raise our beekeeping IQ. #beekeeping #queenbee #beekeeping #howtobeekeeping #cub #hive