Quarter Finals is a social program that revolves around multiple topics. The game is based on setting up quarter-final elimination matches between (things, places, characters, artworks, etc.) according to the episode title. The presenters and the guest discuss what is best until one of the 8 participating things wins the episode. The program is presented by Ahmed Haidar and Omar Al-Jaali, and a new guest participates with them in each episode (in case of no budget, the guest is Khairi or Muhannad Haidar) Episode schedule: 0:13 - Backstage 1:16 - Introduction 2:43 - Draw 6:47 - Challenge 1 (Disruption vs. Barbarism) 13:27 - Challenge 2 (The Odds vs. Violation of the Expatriate) 27:05 - Challenge 3 (Wedding Customs vs. Snagging) 43:12 - Challenge 4 (Blaming vs. Sudden Guests) 52:00 - Semi-final 1:10:09 - Final 1:10:49 - Religious sermon from the original LQ works Directed by: Khairi Samir / khairy4sameer Edited by: Mohamed Hassan / mohassan230 Presented by: Omar Al-Jaali / elgaaaali Presented by: Ahmed Haidar / haidrov188 All social media accounts: https://linktr.ee/lqmediateam