✅ CHECK OUT OUR COMPLETE COURSE: https://descomplicaqgis.com.br/?utm_m... Links used during the class: DOWNLOAD QGIS https://qgis.org/pt_BR/site/index.html NATURAL EARTH https://www.naturalearthdata.com/down... IF YOU CANNOT DOWNLOAD THE GEOPACKAGE FROM THE SITE ABOVE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cfiM... GEOSPATIAL DATA https://clubedogis.com.br/dados-geoes... NUMBER OF CASES https://g1.globo.com/bemestar/coronav... In this free class, learn how to make a map from scratch in less than an hour starting from absolute zero. You will be able to follow the class even if you have never opened the program in your life. ✅ VISIT OUR WEBSITE: https://descomplicaqgis.com.br/?utm_m... ✅ FACEBOOK: https://swiy.io/face_descomplicaqgis ✅ INSTAGRAM: https://swiy.io/insta_descomplicaqgis ✅ EMAIL: [email protected] #QGIS #map #beginner