Episode Title Diplomatically Covering the presidential developments and the January 9 session, and for the first time a special public poll simulating the session scenarios in Bidiplomaciya poll Guests Judge Ziad Shabib Political writer Qassem Qassir Political dialogue Judge Ziad Shabib Judge Ziad Shabib for the Diplomat program The entities called parties, movements and political movements are nothing but entities with a sectarian composition based on this nerve Judge Ziad Shabib for the Diplomat program These entities attract and lure external loyalty in order to gain strength internally Judge Ziad Shabib for the Diplomat program The state of stability in Lebanon is an exception to the rule, which is the crisis Judge Ziad Shabib for the Diplomat program President Berri adopted the correct interpretation of how the president of the republic is elected through a single session with successive rounds whose minutes are not sealed even if they continue for days Judge Ziad Shabib for the Diplomat program What we need today is to rebuild institutions, so what is required first and foremost is a personality capable of building institutions Judge Ziad Shabib for the Diplomat program Requirement of only 86 votes to avoid appeal Political writer Qassem Qassir Qassem Qassir for the Diplomat program There are loopholes in the Taif Agreement that need to be addressed, including deadlines Constitutional Qassem Qassir for the Diplomatic Program The crisis is not constitutional What we are suffering from today is a political crisis that includes a defect in the implementation of the constitution Qassem Qassir for the Diplomatic Program Lebanon can no longer tolerate it and there is dangerous talk about a security defect that prevents the presidential session from being held Qassem Qassir for the Diplomatic Program We are facing very delicate hours, and Lebanon needs today what can be called the new Shehabism Qassem Qassir for the Diplomatic Program There is clear external promotion for the Army Commander General Joseph Aoun Qassem Qassir for the Diplomatic Program What Wafiq Safa said is very accurate as it opened the door to other candidates, based on the fact that the party's veto concerns Samir Geagea Qassem Qassir for the Diplomatic Program There are intellectual workshops to read what happened and these intellectual workshops are not only Lebanese This discussion is taking place today in Iran and also in Iraq in addition to Beirut #Diplomacy #OTVLebanon #OTVNews