Islamic Scientific Study Speaker: Ustadz. Dr. Erwandi Tarmizi Theme: Venue: Abu Ad Darda' Grand Mosque - Jl. HR. Soebrantas - Pekanbaru This broadcast can be watched via: 1. Ashiil TV Satellite TV Satellite TV: Palapa D Frequency: 4053 Symbol Rate: 3332 Polarity: Horizontal 2. Facebook: / 1070629336470503 3. Youtube: / amcpekanbaru 4. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ashiil.tv/?... 5. Website: http://www.ashiil.tv/live-streaming/ 6. Download the Application Via Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... ____________________________________________ INFAQ FOR ASHIIL TV DAKWAH OPERATIONS ???? BNI SYARIAH a/n: ASHIIL CAHAYA TAUHID No. Account: 81 755 0707 9 Bank Code: 427 Confirm payment to number: ???? 1. 0812-70805555 ???? 2. 0812-75108058 م Hopefully this is useful