Thomas has again selected a few interesting questions that you asked. 0:00 Introduction 0:39 Is it safe to bake food in the oven at 120° for 2 hours and then seal it? 3:03 How should you store preserved food to avoid pest infestation? 4:26 How do you preserve baby food? 5:59 Should you replace a 50-year-old WECK preserve book with a current edition? 8:18 Should preserved jars be wrapped in cloths to cool? 9:47 How can you tell if jars come from China? 13:59 Can you use German preserve times with an American pressure canner? Does the size of the jar play a role in the preserve times? 15:44 Is it safe to preserve water using the WECK method? 17:50 How can you open stuck lids without damaging them? You can find preserving jars, bottles, jars, accessories for preserving and much more in our shop: https://www.glaeserundflaschen.de/