Welcome to another video in the Python From Zero to Hero series! ???? This series is part of the T2Ti AcademIA Training. To learn the full content of the T2Ti AcademIA and to know the order to watch the videos, please visit: https://t2ti.com/academia In this video, we will delve deeper into the use of Selenium for navigation automation, focusing specifically on filling out web forms. ➡️ Agenda: = Review of the basic concepts of automation with Selenium. = Structure of the form to be filled out on the government website. = Filling out different types of input fields (input, select and textarea). = Tips for dealing with possible problems during automation. ➡️ Class Objective: Enable students to fill out a web form using Selenium efficiently and accurately. ➡️ Motivation: Filling out forms is a common task in automation, and understanding how to do it correctly with Selenium is essential for many automation projects and web application testing. Useful Links: Selenium Documentation: https://www.selenium.dev/pt-br/docume... Link to the form used in the video: https://www.gov.br/trabalho-e-emprego...