I love Python and have been working with this technology for 20 years, but there was always something about the language that didn't smell right and now the problem is finally solved. The UV tool promises to be the Cargo (from the #rust language) for #python and solve all project management and dependency problems. UV is up to 100x faster than pip for resolving dependencies and installing packages and also manages virtual environments and the Python installation itself. Python courses with Bruno Rocha at LINUXtips https://linuxtips.io/instrutor/bruno-... Become a member of this channel and get benefits: / @codeshowbr CodeShow's most watched videos: Things we shouldn't do with Python with @rochacbruno • Things we should NOT do when progr... Learn Rust: Ownership & Borrowing with @rochacbruno • Ownership & Borrowing Learn Rust ... Career Plan in Data with @teomewhy • CAREER PLAN in DATA! Quarkus and Java with @CaravanaCloud • 1 - Olá Pizzas - Java + Quarkus Follow the one-minute Python series with @bug_elseif in the shorts / @codeshowbr 0:00 Python's biggest problem 3:55 Python's Role 6:33 Sit down because here comes the story 9:10 Installation 10:25 Project Initialization 12:20 UVX 14:20 Running tools 16:03 Python versions 17:30 PIP Interface 18:23 pyproject 19:25 Inline Script Metadata 24:30 Other features 25:15 Workspaces 26:40 Fin