The little tooth can put up with a lot: cookies, candy, lemonade - so many sweet things! But nobody brushes it! The tooth monster comes and wants to move in with it. Will the toothbrush save it? © Hörzauber Genki Park German Genki Park German Welcome to DOCTOR HERZLICH! We teach children healthy habits with funny videos and children's songs. "Doktor Herzlich" takes plenty of time, warmly and lovingly to look after her patients' little worries. These are: the nose, the tummy, the two hand heroes, the tender heart and of course the teeth. Little by little you will get to know all the parts of the body better. Sing along to the simple, happy songs. Understand your body and your feelings. You will remember to brush your teeth, wash your hands, eat healthily and do many other things that are good for your body and mind. You can dance, play and sing along. "Doktor Herzlich" is a safe place for smart children with caring parents. All the best, Doctor Herzlich (fictional character) Script Tooth: Tooth sings: Brush me, brush me – I want to shine beautifully! Tooth: Hmmm… Er! Cookies! Ohh… Hh Höähhh uhhhhh Brush me! Oh! Ouch – candy – Grrrrr! Ahhhh!! Oh no! Tooth sings: Clean me, brush me – I’m super dirty! Tooth monster: Hmhmhm…. Tooth: Uh? Hh! The tooth monster! Tooth monster: Hehehe! Eh, eh, eh, hmmm… hahaha… Hehey! Hoho! Ha! Hehe! Huhu! Haha! Tooth: Ahhhh… uhhh … ohh…. Tooth monster: Yes! Hoho, ha! Oh! Lemonade. Tooth: Ah! Tooth monster: Hehehe! Grlgrlll… mhm! Dupdidupti dirty! Hahaha…. Tooth: Brush me!! BRUSH ME! Tooth Monster: Hmhmmm. Huh? Toothbrush: Haha! Tooth Monster: Huh? Hehe! (Karate) Hu, ha, he, ho, hau, hu, hiey! Oh! Brush: See you soon! Tooth: Brush, come back!! Tooth Monster: Huh? Hehehe. Nnnnnna! Hmhmhmhmhm…. Eeeeeuppa! Tooth: Ah! Ouch. Tooth Monster: Ping, bang, pong, bangbang, pingping. Bang, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…. Ah! Tooth: Uhhh… Tooth Monster: Hehehe! Slurp… smack… OE? Tooth: Hmm! Tooth Monster: Hey! Toothbrush: It's brushing time! Tooth: Brush me! Brush me! Tooth Monster: Hm? Hey! Oh, eh hihi, ah! Buäblblblblb. Toothbrush: I'll brush you away! Tooth monster: Huh? Ahhhh…. Tooth: Hmhm! Tooth monster: Ahhh! Er! E, eh, eh…. Hooooo. Eh, eh, eh…. Ahhhhhh. Ah!! Hihihi! Whoosh! Oh! Ouch! Huh! Huh…. Tooth: Hahaha, hahahaha! Uh? Drill: Bye! Tooth: Hm? Syringe: Here comes the filling! Bye! Tooth: Oahhh! Light: Magical blue light! See you again. Tooth: Ha….! Hmhm! Tooth monster: Hm! Hmm?! Huah… Prrr! Tooth: Ahahahaha! Tooth sings: Brush me! Brush me! Twice a day! #Hackibacki #brushingteeth #toothbrushingsong #Kindergarten #childrensongs #peppapig #HurrayChildrensongs