Russian President Vladimir Putin will take stock of the past year on Thursday. Formally, there is room to answer questions from the press, but Defense Minister Ruben Brekelmans thinks the press conference has been completely orchestrated in advance, he says in Goedemorgen Nederland on NPO 1. Read more: https://wnl.tv/2024/12/19/poetin-maak... Want to see more of Goedemorgen Nederland? Then go to: https://npo.nl/start/serie/goedemorge... Support WNL, become a member! Go to: https://www.steunwnl.tv/ You can find more from WNL on our website and social media: ► Website: https://www.wnl.tv ► Facebook: / omroepwnl ► Instagram: / omroepwnl ► Twitter: / wnlvandaag ► Support WNL, become a member: https://www.steunwnl.tv #WNL #OmroepWNL #goedemorgennederland #Putin #Zelenski #Russia #Ukraine #war #NATO