Introduction. Relevance of the problem of purulent diseases of the lungs and pleura. Epidemiology. Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. Etiology and pathogenesis of suppurative processes in the lungs and pleura. Classification of purulent diseases of the lungs and pleura. Main part. Acute and chronic bronchitis. Bronchiectasis. Aspects of etiopathogenesis. Diagnostics and tactics. Lung abscesses. Diagnostics. Treatment tactics. Gangrenous lung abscesses. Etiology, pathogenesis. Clinical picture, diagnostics. Treatment tactics. Gangrene of the lung. Etiology, pathogenesis. Clinical picture. Classification. Treatment tactics. Extrapulmonary complications: empyema, pyopneumothorax. Risk factors. Etiology, pathogenesis. Diagnostics. Clinical picture. Treatment tactics.