The water in my pond has been clean for many years, the pond does not bloom, and if it does smell, it is only fresh and cool. How to achieve this? It turned out to be not difficult at all, of course, if you do everything right from the start, so that you do not heroically correct your own mistakes later. I will tell you about my correct steps, and, of course, about the mistakes, so that you do not repeat them. We made a summer cottage pond with our own hands in 4 days. Here it is: • Do-it-yourself pond in 4 days A pond with an alpine slide, a waterfall and a fountain unusually decorated our site. Beauty in the country with your own hands is simple, fast, the work is a pleasure, but the result of the work pleases the eyes and soul from year to year. If you do not have a garden pond yet, save this link until spring and ... good luck to you in creating a miracle with your own hands! Link to this video: • Clean Water in the Pond for Many Years! How?! ... I also recommend watching the video: Do-it-yourself treasure at the dacha • DIY TREASURE AT THE DACH Farewell to the dacha. Overview of the plot and the house • My beautiful DACH! Overview of the plot and... The thief of Manchurian nuts • Video and others in the playlist Dacha. My edge of paradise I will be glad to see you as my guest! #pondatdacha #pondwithyourhands #waterdoesnotbloom