Please leave your favourite punch line in the comments (it might be RYU's video at the end of the year) 00:00 Digest 00:08 Wasn't that too sudden? 00:45 Seriously? 01:49 It's even worse 03:18 That's insane 04:28 Who are they all? (No punch line) 05:18 They're monsters 06:26 Kill me 08:10 Eh, isn't that strong? 11:02 Leave me alone (No punch line) 11:49 Yes? 12:33 Are you kidding me 14:15 Huh??? 16:05 A monster has come17:25 I know... 18:34 That's impossibleBGM and sound effectsSound Effect Lab: https://soundeffect-lab.info/ 魔王魂: https://maou.audio/ Kamatamago: https://kamatamago.com/ DOVA-SYNDROME: https://dova-s.jp/ PeriTune: https://peritune.com/ On-Jin ~Otojin~: https://on-jin.com/ Other materials photoAC: https://www.photo-ac.com/ illustAC: https://www.ac-illust.com/ Speech bubble design: https://fukidesign.com/ Material shop for YouTubers: https://ytsozaiyasan.com/ OKUMONO: https://sozaino.site/