Today we are preparing a delicious pumpkin ciabatta sandwich. First we cut the pumpkin into even cubes. In a pan we heat some olive oil at about 70% heat. Then we add the pumpkin cubes and let them fry lightly. Then we add the garlic and the finely chopped chili and let everything continue to cook together. Meanwhile we prepare the ciabatta bread: Season with olive oil, salt and a little tiger pepper. Just before it is done, we season the pumpkin with a spice mixture, for example pesto calabrese. When the pumpkin is cooked, we put most of it in a bowl with yogurt to puree. The ciabatta goes into the pan briefly to make it crispy. Now we spread the bread with the pumpkin cream, top it with rocket, a few pumpkin cubes and crumbled feta. Finally, sprinkle some balsamic cassis on top - and your pumpkin ciabatta sandwich is ready!