A pull-up resistor is used to form a certain potential at a given point in an electric circuit, usually equal to the voltage of the power source. The resistance of a pull-up resistor is often chosen to be from 1 kOhm to 10 kOhm. This resistance value is selected based on the noise immunity conditions of the circuit. However, for a number of cases, the values can deviate by tens or even hundreds of times. A pull-up resistor, by means of its resistance, connects the minus of the power source or zero, or a lower potential to a specific point in the electric circuit. Often, I do not calculate the resistance of the resistors in such cases, but take a guess from 1 kOhm to 10 kOhm. In English-language literature, such a pull-up and pull-down resistor are called a pull up resistor and a pull down resistor, respectively. Calculation of a transistor switch: • HOW TO CALCULATE A TRANSISTOR KEY A gentleman's set of an electronics engineer: 1. Breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtvcu 2. Convenient breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtvyt 3. Serious breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtx4m 4. Flexible jumpers for a breadboard: http://ali.pub/3mtxj0 5. Jumpers in a pencil case 14 types 140 pieces: http://ali.pub/3mtxtw 6. Set of resistors 600 pieces, 30 denominations of 20 pieces: http://ali.pub/3muaey 7. Set of transistors: http://ali.pub/3muc1h 8. A good multimeter: RM113D http://ali.pub/3mn1ru 9. A simple multimeter: DT830B http://ali.pub/3mn8qo #resistor#pull-upResistor #electronicsclub