Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Okan Demirci, Prof. Dr. Gül Eryılmaz, Prof. Dr. Medaim Yanık, Spec. Dr. Gizem Güneş With our teachers, we interpreted the misconceptions among our people and the urban legends spread about psychology. Spec. Dr. Gizem Güneş - / uzm.dr.gizemgunes Prof. Dr. Medaim Yanık - / medaimyanikklinigi Assoc. Prof. Dr. Onur Okan Demirci - / onurokandemirci Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan - / prof.dr.nevzat.tarhan Channel Owner: Burak Tatlıcı / buraktatlici Collaborations: [email protected] ---------------------- For collaborations: [email protected] Our Twitch Channel: www.twitch.tv/dasquad Our Instagram Account: tepkikolik You can write the videos, games, foods and items you want to be reacted to in the comments :)