KOMPAS.TV - PSSI Officially Announces Patrick Kluivert Replacing STY as Indonesian National Team Coach Friends of Kompas TV Pontianak, don't forget to like, share and subscribe to the Kompas TV Pontianak YouTube channel, also activate the notification bell to always be updated on the latest and most complete news in Indonesia. Kompas TV Pontianak social media: Instagram: / kompastvpontianak Facebook: / kompastvpontianak YouTube: / kompastvpontianak Twitter: / kompastv_ptk E-mail: [email protected] Phone No.: 0561-8120091 Don't miss Kompas TV's 24-hour non-stop live streaming at https://www.kompas.tv/live Friends of Kompas TV can also get the latest information via the website: www.kompas.tv #KompasTV #KompasTVNetwork Kompas TV Independent Trusted