Psoriasis is a hereditary skin disorder that affects the world population with a relatively high incidence. It is a chronic, non-contagious and cyclical inflammatory disease with periods of improvement and relapse. The cause is still unknown and the main abnormality is the shortening of the cell cycle that increases the production of epidermal cells by an average of 28 times and leads to the accumulation of scales. It is believed that it begins when T lymphocytes (cells that defend the body) begin to attack skin cells for reasons that are still unknown. Psoriasis is currently considered part of a context of comorbidities (other associated diseases) that are related to it, such as psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psychological and psychiatric disorders and uveitis (inflammation of parts of the eye), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, osteoporosis and sexual dysfunction. There is still speculation about the mechanism responsible for the relationship between these diseases. It is often associated with metabolic syndrome (obesity, lipid alterations, high blood pressure and insulin resistance) and a higher incidence of heart disease. It is suspected that the same inflammatory process involved in psoriasis may be related to heart disease and that controlling the skin disease through potent anti-inflammatory drugs (the so-called biologicals, currently available) would help prevent cardiovascular risk, reducing mortality. Likewise, changing habits such as weight control, a healthy diet, not smoking and reducing stress contribute to a positive effect. psoriasis-dermatology-and-health-350x300-5On the skin, they appear as well-defined reddish spots covered by white or silvery scales that can cover almost the entire body or be located in the form of plaques on the elbows, knees and scalp. There may be no symptoms or they may cause itching, burning and some discomfort... http://dermatologiaesaude.com.br/doen... Subscribe to the channel!! For more information visit: www.dermatologiaesaude.com.br