Today I did a PS3 test with thermal paste and liquid metal, for the first time I did it to see what the core temperature and fan speed % would be and as you can see in the video there was no big improvement as with thermal paste unless I did something wrong and that's why I had such results. "Liquid metal" is nothing more than a mixture of metals such as tin, gallium and indium. Metals as the best conductor should help achieve low temperatures. The effects are different - it can be both 10 degrees and barely 2. In any case, the difference will be noticeable. Is liquid metal real? Liquid metal is a type of metal alloy that remains in the liquid phase at or near room temperature. These materials have unique properties, including high electrical and thermal conductivity, mechanical susceptibility, the ability to self-repair and maintain shape. Does liquid metal damage the processor? If you're not careful, liquid metal can cause short circuits and damage components. Can liquid metal leak? Liquid metal leaks: In the worst case, a significant amount of liquid metal can leak from the heat sink and come into contact with other sensitive components in the console. This can lead to permanent damage and require expensive repairs. How often should liquid metal be replaced? The liquid metal in the PS5 should be replaced regularly every 2 years, as it loses its properties and oxidizes. After this time, we see visible deficiencies on the APU. This results in an increase in temperature and possible early problems with the console. What is the name of the liquid metal? Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at normal ... Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at normal temperature. US Geological Survey.