Our exhibition manager Sascha Fillies is traveling back to the dark times of European history with our today's exhibit. The Tatra Type 87 came onto the market 85 years ago and was presented at the 1937 International Motor Show in Berlin. The vehicle with its aerodynamic design looks quite futuristic and forms a real contrast to the German luxury cars that were popular at the time, such as Mercedes and Horch. The connection of its two designers to aircraft construction is clearly evident. In the current video you can find out what else was modern about the four-wheeler besides the shape of the car, where you can currently see the Tatra Type 87 live and why a visit to the Techno Classica in Essen is definitely worth it! The episode is also provided with English subtitles. Simply activate the function. Follow us on our other channels: Facebook: / ps.speicher Instagram: / ps.speicher Twitter: / ps_speicher Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/psspeicher LinkedIn: / ps-speicher TikTok: / ps.speicher #oldtimermuseum #psspeicher #psspeichertv #episode43 #tatra #psdepot #psdepotautomobil #psspeicherdepotautomobil #depotautomobil #tatra #tatra87 #1940s #1930s #tatratyp87 #technoclassica #essen #all-steelbody #rearfin #drag #internationalmotorshow #iaa #hansledwinka #erichübelacker #ledwinka #übelacker #ferdinandporsche #kdfwagen #mercedeskompressor #horch #luxurycar #futuristic #formfollowsfunction #eightcylinderengine #75hp #3literdisplacement #highlightexhibit #aerodynamic #aircraftconstruction