How do you prune a 2nd year vine that has had very strong growth and is to be trained in Guyot form? If after the 1st year pruning we observe extremely strong growth in a vine, it is good to apply certain green operations so that we can form the vine in order to skip a year of training: • Green works in May on the vine... These operations will help us use the children to form the buds needed in year 3 for Guyot training. Thus we will skip a training stage, from year 1 directly to year 3. Pruning the vine year 1: • Pruning the vine year 1 according to... Pruning the vine year 2: • Pruning the vine year 2 Pruning the vine year 3 - Guyot: • Pruning the vine year 3 - Guyot b... The first thing you need to see before asking yourself the question of correct pruning of the vine, especially if you are a beginner, is to choose the type of pruning and management suitable for the grapevine varieties you have: • Types of pruning for grapevines s... About the vine: • Grapevine About fruit trees and shrubs: • Fruit trees and shrubs Donate for children in need: https://worldvision.ro/implica-te/per... Disclaimer: Some links are affiliate - through them I earn a small commission if you buy something (at no additional cost to you). #cutting #VitaDeVie #year2 #Guyot