Critical infrastructures are essential for the operation of all types of companies; protecting them is of vital importance, since any impact can have devastating consequences that could even paralyze the country. This situation can arise due to an impact on energy services, national defense systems, failures in the hospital network or chaos in transportation, just to name a few. Colombia is increasingly interconnected, and therefore cybersecurity is essential to maintain confidence in institutions and guarantee national security. In this context, this forum brings together some of the country's main companies to share experiences, recommendations and trends on how to secure these systems against cyberattacks. In this space, the implementation of protection measures to safeguard critical systems and data will be discussed, thus guaranteeing the continuity of essential services and social stability. Topics related to current trends, the most common types of cyberattacks in Colombia, their risks, implications and how to be prepared for them will also be addressed. Connect! #Fortinet #CriticalInfrastructures #Cybersecurity #ElTiempo #Portafolio SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/PortafolioYT Follow us on our social networks: Twitter: /portfolioco Facebook: /portfolio.co Instagram: /portfolioco Portafolio Portafolio is a media specialized in economic, business and entrepreneurial issues in Colombia and the world. Get a detailed analysis of current economic events here and learn about the perspectives of the different sectors of productive activity in the country. For more information, go to: http://www.portafolio.co Other Channels El Tiempo: /eltiempo CityTv: /citytvbogota Bravíssimo Citytv: /bravissimocitytv FutbolRed: /futbolredco /portfolioco