Get the best coverage for your family today – learn how the blood of Jesus protects! In this powerful and practical message, Joseph Prince explains the meaning of the blood of Jesus and why it protects us like nothing else can today. Hear a true story of how a young local schoolgirl was saved from the clutches of a serial killer because she was protected by the blood of Christ speaking over her. Also see how family blessings abound for you and your future generations when you honor the precious blood of our Lord. Hear this important message today and live protected by the blood of Jesus! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/JPSuscríbete Testimony: http://bit.ly/JPTestimonio Inspirations Of Grace: https://bit.ly/InspiracionesDeGracia Joseph Prince Español: http://bit.ly/JosephPrinceEspanol Joseph Prince Ministries: https://www.josephprince.org/ Facebook: /josephprince Twitter: /josephprince Instagram: /josephprince #josephprinceespañol #josephprincespanish #protected #blood #familyblessings