The "Stars" kick off the TV season with a road trip to the Albanian Riviera. Stavros Theodorakis toured the shores where people swim who speak the same language as us, have the same woes but one more. Examili, Agioi Saranda, Heimarra, Avlonas are some of the stations of this report that tries to answer what is really happening on the Albanian Riviera. How much do the citizens of Greek origin participate in the tourist "explosion" of the region, what happens to their properties, how is their life with the citizens of Northern Albania who are now looking for a better life on the coast? Among others, the "Protagonists" meet: Grandma Hermione Brigou, the "Lady of Heimarra", who continues to guard the graves of Greek soldiers killed in the 1940 war. Dino Catcelano, who learned the job in Mikrolimanos and now has his own restaurant on the beach. The barba Vangelis Meniko, executive of "Omonoia" who never left Heimarra. Marios Hatziou, who was born in Igoumenitsa to Albanian parents - today he lives in Germany - and spends his summers in Sivota and Examili. Angela Karavokyris, from Narta – a purely Greek village – who is a lawyer and will soon try to enter the judiciary. And Ilir Patso, who has been presenting central news bulletins for decades in Tirana, but with his retirement he wants to return to his village, Palasa. Furthermore, the "Protagonists" visited "Homer", the Greek school of Heimarra which is full of children of Greek origin as well as Albanian families. -- Like us on Facebook: / alphatv Follow us on Twitter: / alphatvgreece Follow us on Instagram: / alphatv AlphaTV Website: https://www.alphatv.gr/