We are celebrating... Wow! We are welcoming once again the speaker, writer and friend Ben Zruel, the most Brazilian Israeli in the world! In this video we talk about 6 steps to prosperity, 3 mine and 3 Ben's. . Follow Ben Zruel's channel on YouTube: / benzruel1 . Previous video with Ben Zruel - Don't pay your debts: • DON'T PAY your DEBTS! Patricia Lage... . CHECK OUT MY BOOKS: https://bolsablindada.com.br/shop . FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: . Visit my blog: https://bolsablindada.com.br . INSTAGRAM: Instagram: / patricialag. . . FACEBOOK: / bolsablindada . Thanks for watching! . #HowToMakeMoney #HowToBeRich #I'llTeachYouToBeRich #PatríciaLages #SavingTips