3:57 option selection Option 1 4:21 4:23 there is a relationship/there is communication 7:28 It's complicated 14:17 You don't communicate/ex Option 2 20:45 20:45 There is a relationship/communication 27:24 It's complicated 38:10 You don't communicate/ex Option 3 48:53 49:00 there is a relationship/communication 54:00 it's complicated 61:48 You don't communicate Hello everyone, this is Polina and on this channel I do tarot layouts for your souls. My dears, remember that these are general layouts and they do not always correspond to what is happening in your life. Take from there the maximum information that you want to accept and that corresponds to you. Also remember that you are responsible for your life, and tarot, as a tool that can help you understand it 🧚🏻💖 The layout will be relevant for you at the very moment when you looked at it. In order to get a more accurate analysis of your situations, sign up for a consultation with me on Telegram. Here is the link https://t.me/bylbozayros And subscribe to my wonderful channel 🪽💅: https://t.me/bypolli #Tapo #tarot #tarot forecast #fortune telling #4queens #4kings #futurehusband #horoscope #thoughtsfeelingsactions #layout #tarot layout #tarot #feelingsofmen #feelingsthoughtsactions #thinking #psychology #universe #spirituality #trends