Prophet ﷺ Dua before going to bed protection for the whole night In Sha Allah Quran for the night Ayat al-Kursi Al-Baqarah Yasin Muslims often ask the question of what should be done before going to bed, and whether it is necessary to read dua before going to bed, and if so, what dua should be read before going to bed. Rules for going to bed It is important not only to read dua at night before going to bed, but to follow certain rules. When you go to bed and are going to read dua, first fold your hands so that they are palms facing each other. Then you should blow on your hands folded in this way, and only after that you can start reading dua. 1. Reading the last three surahs Before going to bed, you should also read Surah Ikhlas (Sincerity), Surah Falaq (Dawn) and Surah Nas (People). After these three surahs have been recited, a Muslim should rub these palms over his entire body, starting from his head, moving to his face, and then to the front of his body. This procedure should be done three times a night after reading the three surahs. This is what the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did every night before going to bed: he would put his palms together in front of him, blow on them, and then read the last surahs of the Quran - Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, and An-Nas. After finishing reading these surahs, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would rub his entire body with his palms, starting from his head, then his face and the front of his head, and all the way to his feet. In one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ it is said that the believer who does this, reading dua at night before going to bed, will be protected from evil and claims, and the insidious plans of the shaitan during sleep all night until the morning. This is stated in the reliable hadith transmitted by Sahih Bukhari. 2. Reading the verse "The Throne" After all of the above has been done, you should read the verse "Al-Kursi" from the surah "Al-Baqarah". A Muslim who reads the verse "Al-Kursi" before going to bed at night will be protected from any evil, and the shaitan will not dare to approach him until the Muslim wakes up in the morning - this verse protects a Muslim in a dream from any evil coming from the shaitan. 3. Reading dua Before going to bed, read the dua or any other dua given in this article: "Allahumma qinni azabaka yawma tabasu ibadaq", in which a Muslim turns to the Almighty with a request for protection from His punishment on the Day of Judgment, when Allah will resurrect all His slaves. 4. Reading the last verses of Surah Al-Baqarah The last verses (verses 285 and 286) of Surah Al-Baqarah say that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions, the believers believed in the Almighty and what the Creator sent to the believers: His angels, His messengers and His Scriptures. Further, the surah says that believers should not make any distinction between the messengers. And the believers obeyed Him. The same verses say that God does not burden the human soul with anything that it cannot bear. All the good that a person has done will bring his soul rewards from the Almighty, and all the evil that a believer commits will be reflected against his soul on the Day of Judgment, and will entail punishment. Further in these verses follows the prayer of believers to the Almighty that He not exact punishment from Muslims if they made a mistake by forgetting about the punishment. Further there is a prayer that the Almighty does not burden Muslims with such a burden that He imposed on the nations that lived before them, and also does not impose such a burden that a person cannot bear. In the reliable hadith of the Prophet ﷺ, it is reported that reading these two verses at night is enough to protect oneself from evil, and the reason for this is their glorious meaning.