Latin: Innahu min sulaiman na wa 'in nahu Bismilaahir rahmoonir rohiim. Al laa ta'luu 'alayya wa'tuunii muslimiin. Meaning: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. That you do not act arrogantly towards me, and come to me as people who surrender. The prayer above can be recited to treat people who are sick. Prophet Solomon's Prayer to Subdue Animals and Drive Out Jinns As recorded in the history of his life in the Qur'an, Prophet Solomon during his life was given the miracle of being able to speak and understand the language of animals and jinns. The miracle of Prophet Solomon was very beneficial for the ease of his preaching and da'wah. With that miracle, all animals and all jinns on earth submitted to his command. If you want to have a little karamah from the miracle of Prophet Solomon, practice the following prayer as found in QS An-Naml verses 30 and 31: Prophet Solomon's prayer, prayer for subduing animals, women, and jinns.