Act now! NEW LEGAL DOCUMENTS NOW ONLINE ???? ❌ Notice missing? Stop paying property tax immediately: ???? https://pepperpapers.de/produkt/stopp... ❌ Notice too high? Protect yourself twice with a sample objection + suspension application: ???? https://pepperpapers.de/?s=aussetzung... ???? Protect your money - get started now! ????????All information in the ????️ PepperPapers Newsblog https://pepperpapers.de/news/grundste... The chapter markers: 00:00 Intro 00:51 The solution 01:36 Notice not here yet? Stop the payment! 03:08 Notice too high? Defend yourself twice! 06:09 What happens if the application is rejected? 09:53 Insider tip 11:15 The legal situation: Why all this is so important ________________________________________ The sources for the video: Act now! NEW LEGAL DOCUMENTS NOW ONLINE ???? ❌ Notice missing? Stop paying property tax immediately: ???? https://pepperpapers.de/produkt/stopp... ❌ Notice too high? Protect yourself twice with a model objection & suspension application: ???? Get your objection & application now ????️ https://pepperpapers.de/?s=aussetzung... ???? Protect your money - get started now! ???????? Are you having trouble with the tax office? Book your first aid consultation directly ????️ https://pepperpapers.de/produkt/indiv... Get smart! Get all the information about your money ????️ in the PepperPapers news blog https://pepperpapers.de/news/ ???? in the TaxPro news blog https://www.taxpro-gmbh.de/news ________________________________________ Be your own lawyer with PepperPapers.de ????️ Get your legal document here ????️ https://pepperpapers.de ________________________________________ It's about your money! Sign up now for your free PepperPapers newsletter: https://www.pepperpapers.de/newsletter/ Your advantages at a glance: ????️Be the first to hear about new laws and the corresponding legal documents ????️Receive exclusive insider tips from our legal experts ????️Available free of charge and without obligation ????️Without going to a lawyer _______________________________________ TaxPro GmbH - The tax law experts from Frankfurt am Main Your professionals in tax matters For company audits, tax investigations, tax criminal proceedings, court cases in tax matters _______________________________________ Hotline: 069949444420 E-mail: [email protected] ________________________________________ Listen to our TaxPro podcasts - wherever podcasts are available Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast... Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4wdDXRA... Soundcloud / taxprogmbh RTL+: https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/taxpro-st... Amazon Music https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/c6b0... ________________________________________ Take a look over our shoulders and get to know our team! / taxprogmbh / patricialederer / taxprogmbh / ledererlaw https://www.flickr.com/photos/1647051... / taxpro https://www.pinterest.de/taxprogmbh/