A column that discusses all unique and problematic things from the perspective of experts entitled Meet The Specialist, specifically answering concerns and finding solutions from these specialists. Hosted by Ustadz Fatih Karim & Ummu Sajjad, watch the first part of MEET THE SPECIALIST with Pesulap Merah (magician) Let's join the Alanabi Family in the Alanabi supportive ecosystem to get other educational content: click the link below.... https://bit.ly/MTSPESULAPMERAH ============================================================================================== Join Us: Website: http://www.alanabi.id Facebook : alanabiID Instagram : @alanabiID Line@ : alanabi ID http://bit.ly/alanabi_id... WhatsApp : 0811-1969-6999 #HealthyLifeCaraNabi #HijrahToAlanabi #NaturalHebalDrinks #sehatalanabi #sehatlife #healthyintake #healthybehavior #sunnahnabi