Prometeo Deportado is an Ecuadorian film written and directed by the Guayaquil native Fernando Mieles. The film tells the drama of a group of Ecuadorians held in a waiting room at an airport in a country (never mentioned) of the European Union waiting to be deported. The scriptwriter and director Fernando Mieles had the idea for the story when he returned to Ecuador in 1993 after studying film and having been deported. The script was written in 2000 and the film was finally shot in 2008. “If Ecuador is an imaginary line, Ecuadorians are imaginary beings, that is, we do not exist” says the magician Wilson Prometeo to his beloved Aphrodite, while they are locked in the bathroom of a waiting room at an international airport. In the film “Prometeo Deportado” by Fernando Mieles, hundreds of Ecuadorians are held for no apparent reason to be deported. As time goes by and more Ecuadorians arrive, living conditions deteriorate to inhuman limits. The waiting room becomes a metaphor for Ecuador, an imaginary country, invented and narrated through magic and madness.