What is the PMP certification? When did it start and what are its developments? What is the content of the seventh edition PMBOK 7th? Has the sixth edition been cancelled or is it still included in the exam? What are the most important updates to the PMP in 2024? When will the PMP exam change? So, is the exam now based on the sixth edition or the seventh edition? So, where do I study from and how do I start? All these questions and more can be answered in this video. To join the study and support group on Facebook, click here: / 644647852756920. To follow us on the Facebook page, click here: / easy-pmp-102459931635284. To book a new course or the full package registered on our website (https://easypmp.org/index.php), communicate via Facebook page messages or WhatsApp messages on the number (00201094014982). To receive new videos, subscribe and activate the bell.